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Affirm, Challenge, Adore: A Guide to 30 Days of Self-Love

Written by Resider | Mar 8, 2024 2:00:00 PM

Fostering a positive relationship with ourselves is part of the foundation for overall well-being and happiness. Before we dive into strategies and bulleted lists, let's take a moment to reflect on why self-love matters. Self-love is not about arrogance or self-indulgence; it's about recognizing and embracing our worth, meeting our needs, acknowledging our strengths, and practicing self-compassion.

Carlee Nussbaum, Reside Health's resident nutrition and health coach, encourages all her coachees to practice self-love as a way to benefit and jump start their health journey. "I believe that prioritizing self-care and self-love activities are so important. If you're not kind to your body and mind during your healing or wellness journey, you won't see the progress you hope for."

When we prioritize self-love and self-affirmation, we create a foundation for a healthier mindset, increased resilience, and more fulfilling relationships. With those concepts in mind, let's dive into a few strategies for making you the priority.

Post-It Note Mirror Challenge:

One powerful way to infuse your daily routine with self-love is the Post-It Note Mirror Challenge. Surround your mirror with uplifting affirmations – reminders of your beauty, strength, love, intelligence, and worthiness. Each time you catch a glimpse of yourself, these affirmations will serve as a powerful reminder of the incredible person staring back at you.

Thirty-Day Post-It Challenge:

For a month-long self-love journey, embark on the 30-Day Post-It Challenge. Take thirty sticky notes and attach them to a wall. On each note, write down a challenge for yourself. Whether it's going for a walk, practicing meditation, or taking a day off social media, these challenges will encourage you to prioritize your well-being and embrace positive habits. Start each day by picking a challenge and make it your mission to complete it by the day's end. Even a tiny step of challenge for yourself can 

Two Affirmations A Day:

Affirmations are powerful tools for cultivating self-love. Begin each day by writing one affirmation in the morning and another before bedtime. This simple practice, when repeated for a month, has the potential to become a transformative habit.

Choose affirmations that resonate with you.  Here are some examples:

  • I am loved
  • I am kind
  • It's ok to make mistakes
  • Today is going to be a good day
  • Tomorrow is going to be better
  • I love me
  • I work hard
  • I am grateful for what I have

  • Watch as these affirmations gradually shape your mindset and contribute to a more positive self-image.

In Conclusion:

Self-love is a continuous path of growth of self-discovery and growth. Through the Post-It Note Mirror Challenge, the 30-Day Post-It Challenge, and the practice of 2 Affirmations A Day, you can start the incredible journey with a very important person--yourself. You can take steps to infuse your life with positivity and foster a deep sense of self-appreciation. Embrace these simple undertakings and witness the transformative power of self-love in your daily life. 

To make your health a priority book an appointment with our health coach Carlee here.